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Session Highlights

aef 2024 Barcelona

26 Jun 2024

Industry Debate: The African Gas Conundrum: Is it a Transitional Enabler or Not?

Industry Debate: The African Gas Conundrum: Is it a Transitional Enabler or Not?

Day 2 of aef 2024 kicked off in earnest with the various streams of discussion and debate coming into play.

The focus for Stream 3 this year is Striking a Balance for Africa’s Gas Projects, with the first interactive boardroom centring around what has been termed ‘The African Gas Conundrum’, and whether gas really is the energy transition enabling fuel the continent needs to invest in.

The interactive boardroom session, chaired by ODI Global's Andrew Herscowitz, addressed whether gas is a strategic solution for the continent's energy challenges or if a more aggressive shift to renewables is necessary.

The panel acknowledged the complexity of the issue. While gas is cleaner than coal, it still emits greenhouse gases. Proponents argue it's a crucial bridge fuel for development, while others advocate leapfrogging to renewables to avoid fossil fuel dependence.

The discussion highlighted the need to balance immediate energy needs with long-term climate objectives and economic factors. Some panellists supported a gradual transition using gas, particularly in countries with significant reserves like Nigeria. Others emphasised the importance of advanced technologies such as carbon capture.

The debate also touched on achieving full renewable adoption, considering both nation-specific approaches and regional collaboration. Here, several panellists stressed the necessity of cooperation for critical infrastructure development.

Ultimately, the consensus was that the gas transition question is highly nuanced, especially considering that over 600 million Africans lack access to power.

Chatham House (no direct quotes/speaker references)

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