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aef 2024 Barcelona


A Space Only stand will NOT have electrics, flooring or walls provided by the Organiser.

Please consider using a building contractor that is an ESSA member. ESSA have a code of conduct that all members should adhere to and a bond arrangement in place. For more information, or to find an ESSA member please go to

We also have some Stand Contractor recommendations Here

For AEF each space only site will be considered its own CDM site, therefore you are required to…

  • The Exhibiting Company is the 'client' and is responsible for appointing a designer and contractor, giving them the information they need to do the job and ensuring they do the job they have been appointed for.
  • The company designing the stand is the 'principal designer' and is responsible for ensuring the stand is designed to be built in the time given, within the regulations of the event and under UK Law.
  • The company building the stand is the 'principal contractor' and is responsible for ensuring the stand build is planned, managed and monitored within the regulations of the event, UK Law and the Site Rules.


Please send the following documents for review and approval to Gerhard Venter at by 24th May 2024 for Non-Complex Stands and by 3rd May for Complex Stands (see below for classification).

  • Stand layout plans (elevation and plan view drawings)
  • CDM Phase Plan
  • Method Statement
  • Risk Assessment
  • There will be a fee payable to the Fira for review of Complex stand designs - more information TBC

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL NEED TO NOTIFY THE ORGANISER OF YOUR KEY RISKS VIA THE CDM PHASE PLAN. You should still undertake a risk assessment as it is YOUR responsibility to understand and control the risks you foresee. Please ensure that you have understood and comply with all regulations.

What you need to supply:

1 x Stand Design Comprised of a scaled drawing of your proposed design.
Plan view(s) – incl. heights / Elevation(s) of all ground-based construction including height of raised platform floors.

1 x Method statement
Which must detail the materials, machinery and methods involved in the building and subsequent removal of your stand. Your method statement must also specifically include a statement to describe how the stability is ensured during the build and breakdown phases and how the stability has been pre-tested.

1 x Risk assessment
Which must identify any perceived risks associated with the work laid out in your design and method statement.

1 x Construction phase plan
Which must include Date & Time of when you expect construction to commence and conclude, along with the contact’s name, email and mobile phone number of your appointed ‘responsible person on-site during this period. Date & Time of when you expect de-construction to commence and conclude, along with the contact’s name, email and mobile phone number of your appointed ‘responsible person on-site during this period.

Please send the above documents to: Gerhard Venter at

The deadline for Complex stands is 3rd May 2024. The deadline for all other stands is 24th May 2024.

Please always try to comfortably beat these deadlines rather than aiming for them - as this will ensure enough time is available to make changes to your designs if any are required.



If your stand design falls into one of the categories below, it will be deemed Complex and will require further review from the venue, which is subject to a fee which is payable to the Fira - see rates here:

  • Structures/walls over 4m in height
  • Platforms or stages with access and a height equal to or higher than 0.50 m.
  • Tiered seating with access to the general public.

Please note that Double Deck stands are not permitted at this event

Please submit your plans to who will pass on to the Fira if required. 


Some important points to consider when designing your stand.

  • The rules outlined below and in the Fira Technical Regulations must be adhered to. 
  • Please incorporate your stand number into your stand design for example include it in your back-wall graphics to allow buyers to locate your stand easily.
  • The height limit for all stands is 5m which includes the height of any raised platform floor. However, anything over 4m in height is deemed as a complex stand and will require further documentation and inspection fees. Ramp access should be integrated into raised platform floors over 38cm. 
  • Rigging is permitted for this event, but please refer to the height limits shown here. The Maximum weight per point is 150 kg, including the motor.
  • There are many columns in the hall and some sit within the stand boundaries; please ensure you have looked at the floorplan and taken any pillars into consideration. You can view a virtual walk-through of the venue HERE to see them in more detail. Hall columns within the stand can be cladded, without damaging them permitted that any connection boxes or any other supplies, can be accessed.
  • In the case of cladding or decorating columns with existing fire equipment, extinguishers, fire alarm call points, signage or any other informational element of the venue, they must always be visible, accessible and clear of obstacles that may prevent their normal use. All of these elements must not be manipulated or disassembled. 
  • All connection service chests located on the floors of the halls must be easily accessible at all times. The design of the stand can never obstruct access to any of the service chests. For this purpose, Fira de Barcelona has the power to require compliance with this requirement.
  • If you are unsure about the location of your stand or would like confirmation, please contact the Operations Team on
  • Please consider your build up timetable when designing your stand as we are unable to let you build any earlier or later than the tenancy hours.
  • You must comply with all fire and electrical regulations, and full details of your electrical specifications must be included with your stand plans.
  • You must not use the walls of the surrounding stands and must build your own (to all closed sides indicated on the event floorplan).
  • You must also finish the back of your walling (where they exceed neighboring stands walling) to the same standard as the front of your walls, as they are is just as visible and no branding must be facing onto the neighbouring stand within 1m. 
  • Solid runs of construction or walling along gangway edges are forbidden. All stands, irrespective of height, must have at least 50% of each side either open or fitted with (approved) transparent material with no more than a 3.5m continuous run of solid walling. Where runs of walling are to exceed 3.5m a minimum of 1m visual break must be incorporated. The break must span 0.5m to 2m in height measured from the building floor. This ensures a break for both wheelchair users and standing people. Furthermore, a visual break must be 100% transparent. Frosted windows will not be permitted as this contravenes a visual break. Requests will be looked at on an individual basis depending on the size, position and products being displayed.
  • You must not leave any waste after breakdown or you will be charged a dilapidation bill from the Organisers. (this includes any collateral, flyers, brochures, etc.).
  • All build elements must be pre-fabricated. (Ensure that neither your own team members nor your appointed contractors intend to bring sheets of timber into the venue and attempt to build your stand from scratch on-site as this will not be permitted).
  • Dust generated from sawing and sanding on-site poses a serious health risk to anyone in the vicinity and will not be tolerated.
  • Please refer to the Fira Technical Regulations and eGuide for further guidance. The eGuide includes information about: Carpets and other flooring, Disabled access for your stand, Doors, Fabrics, decoration and other display materials, Fire regulations, Wood, timber and walling



Build-up Reminders

  • Working outside of your allotted build hours is not permitted.
  • All stands should be completed within your allotted time.
  • Power is not guaranteed to be live for your stand until the morning of show open. If you require temporary power for use during build-up you must order this from GES.
  • Children under 18 are strictly forbidden to be in the halls during build-up and breakdown. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Breakdown Reminders

  • Stands must be manned and operational until Friday 28th June at 14:00. Removal of material and equipment cannot begin before this time.
  • From 17:30, once the show has closed, the hall is clear of visitors and shell scheme exhibitors have left, you can start breaking down your stand.
  • No trollies or large packing materials will be allowed on the show floor until the hall is clear of visitors.
  • We cannot be held responsible for any items left unattended. After Saturday 29th June all items will be classed as rubbish and thrown away. Costs for the removal of all items will be chargeable to the exhibitor.


  • You are responsible for the carpeting / floorcovering of your stand. Please remember that under the contract you have signed you must provide some kind of floorcovering on your stand. If you provide your own, you will need to use an approved carpet tape. 
  • Please be advised that all carpets and carpet tape must be removed at the end of the show to avoid any dilapidations charges.
  • Space only exhibitors are free to appoint stand designers and construction contractors of their choice (for advice please call ESSA on 01442 285 804 or visit their website). It is, however, your responsibility to advise them of the exhibition Stand Fitting and Health & Safety regulations


  • When planning your stand, please take into account the needs of less able bodied visitors, and in particular, wheelchair access to ensure your stand design meets the regulations of the Equalities Act.
  • If a platform exceeds 38mm in height, a ramp (max gradient 1:12) must be incorporated to meet these regulations. Please ensure that the surface of your ramp is covered in a non-slip material, that contrasts in colour to the rest of the floor.
  • If space permits, please consider installing a sloped edge across the width of the stand.


If you are building a storeroom /office, doors must have a vision panel of 320mm x 320mm and must open outwards in the direction of exit. If your door is on the edge of the gangway, it must be recessed into the stand to avoid the door opening directly into the gangway.



You need to order a connection to the venue's mains via GES for your lights and power. 


Textile fabrics used for interior display purposes on the stand must be flame-proofed or purchased already treated with an approved chemical in accordance with BS5438/BS5852. Certain fabrics such as wool, twill or felt need not be proofed.

Textile fabrics used for interior decorating of stands must be fixed taunt and/or in pleats (not draped) to a solid backing secured 3" above floor level and not touching light fittings.


The Fire Officer will provide fire extinguishers in designated areas to meet the Local Authority requirements. These extinguishers are not to be moved or covered. It is important that all exhibitors ensure that their staff and contractors are familiar with their operation and acquaint themselves with the location of the fire exits and alarm points in the venue.

Fire extinguishers are also available for individual stands. If you require a specific type of fire extinguisher for a particular type of work, please contact the Fire Officer now via the Organisers. Once the show is open it is important that fire extinguishers are not moved.

To ensure as safe a show as possible there are strict regulations governing the materials that may be used in the construction of stands and in the demonstration of products. All materials used for building, decorating and covering of stands must be of non-flammable material (class one spread of flame). Please read the Fira’s technical regulations for more information.

Materials must comply with British Standard Numbers BS476 and BS5570 and/or BS3120. Your stand will be inspected during build-up and the Fire Safety Officer may remove any offending materials, or close down a stand if it does not comply with fire regulations. If you require specific advice regarding fire regulations, please initially contact the Operations Team with full details of your planned activities.


All stand structures, signs, exhibits must be confined within the area of your stand and may not project into or over the public gangway.

Please incorporate your stand number into your stand design for example include it in your back-wall graphics to allow buyers to locate your stand easily.


All work must be carried out using non-flammable materials. 

Brown paper, corrugated paper and the like must not be used for stand dressing; particularly as backing/lining on stand structures. Artificial plants and flowers must not be used as they are combustible and give off fumes. Silk type flowers are acceptable if they have been fireproofed to BS476-Part 7 and are marked as such

Plastics must conform to BS476 - part 7- Class 1 fire regulations.
Vinyl or plastic sheeting must comply with BS 5438.
Lexan and Macralon are acceptable.
Perspex must not be used.

Timber of any thickness if impregnated and branded as fireproofed is acceptable.

Timber framing of stands in natural unproofed timber must be of a minimum thickness of 21mm.

Counters and floors of stands of natural unproofed timber must be of a minimum thickness of 21 mm. Where natural timber is used for floors it must be close-jointed.

Wood, chipboard or blockboard of a minimum thickness of 18mm, may be used in the construction of internally lit units, display plinths and for display screens or panels provided that these screens or panels do not form internal dividing partitions.

Plywood, hardboard, pulpboard or fibreboard rendered fire-resistant by an approved process of impregnation and bearing a distinguishing brand mark to indicate that it has been impregnated may be used.

The applied decorative finish of stands may be of natural (unproofed) timber of a minimum thickness 21 mm provided that the area of vertical wall services does not exceed 2.5 m for each square metre of exhibition floor area occupied by the stand.

Where such timber is used on the inside of the stand and extends within 600mm of a fabric ceiling, such fabric must be inherently non-flammable or durably flame proofed.

The use of softwood board is prohibited apart from counter tops and platforms, in which instance it must be impregnated to render it non-flammable and branded with a recognisable trademark


No spray painting is permitted at the venue. Solvent based paints should not be used. Water based paints only to be used inside.

All waste products must be disposed of properly. Damage to the venue will be charged to the Exhibitor.

If you are painting your stand please refrain from using the toilets to clean your equipment.


The max height of rigged elements is dependent on where you stand is located; CLICK HERE to view the hall restrictions.  The Maximum weight per point is 150 kg, including the motor. All rigging at the show must be approved by the Organisers, in writing, in advance of the show. If you wish to rig any banners at the show, please contact the Operations Team

All rigging must be undertaken solely by the venue contractor at a cost to the exhibitor. Any rigging will be subject to sufficient time being available. Banners, lighting trusses or any other rigging from the roof will be treated as part of the exhibitors’ design and must be approved along with stand plans.

Banners that are rigged next to adjoining stands must be at least 1m into your stand and be unbranded on the side facing your neighbouring stand.  

If you have any rigging queries, please contact the Fira team on +34 93 233 20 00 or  


Sustainability should be a fundamental part of your plans leading up to exhibiting. The best stand design doesn’t always require the most materials.

Ask your stand builder to provide you with information about how they are reducing the environmental impact of your stand, and how they measure that reduction.

Source environmentally friendly materials, avoiding those which will end up in landfill. Timber is used extensively in stand building, so insist your stand builder uses timber which carries the Forest Stewardship Council trademark, or which has been recycled already.

Design for re-use and re-purposing of materials – find new ways to utilise materials which have previously been part of displays/attractions and are surplus to requirements at the end of the event.

Design your stand to make best use of energy efficient lighting e.g., LED

Maximise prefabricated components in your design which can be used again, and which can be built/ dismantled efficiently.


Space only exhibitors are responsible for walling to a minimum of 2.5m any side adjoining another stand. Walls must be dressed above 2.4m in a plain, neutral colour to the maximum height of your stand. Branding and logos are not permitted on the rear of dividing walls where these overlook neighbouring exhibitors.

Solid runs of construction or walling along gangway edges are forbidden. All stands, irrespective of height, must have at least 50% of each side either open or fitted with (approved) transparent material with no more than a 3.5m continuous run of solid walling. Where runs of walling are to exceed 3.5m a minimum of 1m visual break must be incorporated. The break must span 0.5m to 2m in height measured from the building floor. This ensures a break for both wheelchair users and standing people. Furthermore, a visual break must be 100% transparent. Frosted windows will not be permitted as this contravenes a visual break. Requests will be looked at on an individual basis depending on the size, position and products being displayed.

You must discuss your plans as soon as possible with Operations Team [insert show specific ops email address] if you wish to request special permission. Do not assume that this will automatically be given,

We reserve the right to request changes to your stand layout.


Clarion Events are supporting the new event industry initiative to reduce accidents caused by falling from a height. We ask all exhibitors to please join us in ensuring your teams and your contractors work as safely as possible. You can read more and download useful resources you can use to inform your teams and contractors at Thank you for your support in this important matter.