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aef 2024 Barcelona


The African Legal Support Facility (“ALSF” or “Facility”) is a public international institution hosted by the African Development Bank (“AfDB”). The Facility is dedicated to providing legal advice and capacity building to African countries on complex commercial contract negotiations, creditor litigation and other related sovereign transactions. ALSF membership is open to all sovereign nations and international organizations. To date, there are 59 signatories to the ALSF Treaty comprising of 52 countries and 7 international organizations. Since 2010, the Facility has provided advice to governments on transactions valued at approximately USD 18 billion in over 30 African countries. The ALSF has created over USD 500 million in additional value for governments through its activities in extractive resource negotiations, infrastructure
negotiations and creditor litigation. In addition, the Facility has provided capacity building to over 600 African experts on complex contract negotiations, management and restructuring of sovereign debt, and public private partnerships. For more details on the work of the ALSF please email us at

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