Dii Desert Energy
Dii Desert Energy aims at transforming the energy systems in desert areas of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in a holistic way, benefitting from the knowledge, expertise, and business connections from its professional staff and partners, including a top-level Advisory Board. Dii’s team consists of well-respected senior professionals in the international energy market, with experience in (green) energy industry management, projects, investments, regulations and public policy.
Dii GmbH, the legal entity of Dii Desert Energy, was launched in 2009 as an industry initiative in Germany (formerly ‘Desertec Industrial Initiative’) for accelerating the energy transition in the MENA region and export of “net zero emission” energy. Dii believes that once the domestic needs have been sufficiently satisfied with emission free energy, MENA will become a ‘Powerhouse’ of clean energy, both electrical power (electrons) and gases, fuels or solids (molecules), serving the world energy markets. This is being recognized in the market under the umbrella of the ‘Desertec 3.0’ approach.
In early 2020, Dii launched the MENA Hydrogen Alliance, which brings together private and public sector actors as well as science and academia to kick-start green hydrogen economies. The Alliance provides a platform for partners to meet and discuss pathways forward, to formulate common studies and connect producers and off-takers. The alliance acts as an impartial advisor to promote initiatives in the region, elaborates (potential) business cases and structure for large projects, proposes the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks, and educates different stakeholders on all relevant aspects of the hydrogen value chain, from ‘source to sink’, including export of virtual (renewable and carbon characteristics) and physical energy carriers.
In 2023 Dii launched a new initiative, the Net Zero Emissions Traders Alliance (ZETA), based in Dubai. Its aim is to create a global platform for clean energy traders, giving substance to Dii’s “no emissions” mission. ZETA will, thus, help energy markets and energy traders to reduce and avoid “greenhouse” effects based on market principles. In this context, Dii Desert Energy is giving guidance to climate neutral energy traders, energy suppliers and the off-takers community with a footprint in MENA.
Dii Desert Energy is connecting the regional and international industry with authorities and institutions and focuses in particular on practical conditions along the emission- free energy value chains. Dii’s platform of more than 110 companies and organizations from over 35 countries is mobilizing top executives, government decision makers, R&D institutions and academia.
Our mission: No Emissions!
To find out more, visit our website www.dii-desertenergy.org